Judy Skorup’s therapy dogs Homer (green bow tie) and Emma (red scrunching) did a Christmas Day rehab facilit visity.

Judy Lasso has a tricky best friend!
Theresa Kucan’s Striker received 3rd place in Open B with a 197 at Oaks, December 8.
Beverly Springer’s Tess obtained her Open Title at the ADTC Trial in November, pictured with fellow CLub memeber, Debbie Achenzie and Ginger.

“Good things come to those who wait” and finally on November 3rd Debbie Achenzie’s wait was over with Ginger finishing her Open obedience title earned it ADTC’s club trial.

The last leg of this title was elusive, but Debbie never gave up.

Here’s Jacqui Hartranft’s Abbey and Cooper enjoying the fall decorations at Country K9 after their Nosework class.

Linda Duda and Colt from the ADTC show getting her award.

Judy Lasso’s Cocker Spaniel, Piper, shows his hunting skills in Barn Hunting. Cocker Spaniels can be terrific hunting companions. Click on photo to start video.

Steve and Anne-Marie Markowitz’s seven-year-old Labrador Retriever Barkley obtained his AKC Fetch Advanced Title on October 5, 2024

Tracy Krapf’s Monty earned his Rally Excellent Title on October 2 with a score of 92 out of 100 and a first place in Excellent A. Location – Palmyra, PA Scottish Terrier Club of American all Terrier Show.

Judy Skorup’s Great Pyrenees, Homer, earned his Rally Intermediate title on , Sept. 28, 2024 at Valley Forge Kennel Club’s Rally trial in Exton, PA with Judge Sylvia Brownlee. Homer earned Rally Intermediate legs #1 & #2 on Sept. 19th, 2024 a 98/100 and a 99/100, both first place scores. On Sept. 28th, Homer earned a 97/100 for a second place and a New Title Rosette. Judy the proud owner of her adopted four year old who had a training class until January 2024.